Terror attack in Mannheim in Europe: Germany was shocked by the stabbing of the Islamist

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On Friday (31st May) morning, a radical Islamist carried out a stabbing spree in Mannheim, Germany, injuring two people, including a police officer, during a YouTube livestream.

The attack occurred before a political event organized by Citizens’ Movement Pax Europa (BPE) against growing Islamism in Europe, where a prominent critic of Islamism, Michael Stuerzenberger, was scheduled to attend.

The extremist, dressed in dark blue joggers with white stripes, indiscriminately stabbed people and managed to escape a stronghold, continuing the attack.

Despite efforts, the Islamist also stabbed a police officer multiple times. The Islamist who attacked was also then shot by the police when he tried to atack the police.

News by: NewsPen Added on: 31-May-2024

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