Terms of Service

Before using this service, you must agree to these terms and conditions.If you disagree with this, please don't use this service in any manner.

You should agree with all the policies of newspen.in, including its subdomain before you start using any of our services.

You need to be over 18 years of age for using any service provided by us. Else you might need to stop using this service.

This website collects data from external services and the information and contents provided should not be blindly trusted in any manner. You should cross check the information.

All the information and contents provided may not be up-to-date, even if the last update shows the most recent date, we cannot guarantee it's freshness in any manner.

We accept no responsibility for any harm caused to you as a result of the information gathered from the public domain and displayed on our website.

Links may be provided to external websites. It is your responsibility to be safe from anything coming after your action (which includes visiting links).

When you signup for a newsletter or an account on this website, we may use the information you have provided which includes name, email, profile picture, ip address for the purpose of sending newsletter or updates.

Whatever content you have provided or submitted can be modified/updated/removed by the admin at any point of time without notifying you.

If you have any other concerns, please contact us.