Popular Front Prepares List Of RSS Activists To Be Killed; Police release crucial information

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KOCHI: The police said that popular front has prepared a list of RSS and BJP workers to be killed in Kerala . The police have released crucial information. The list is prepared by those holding the post of Popular Front Reporter.

The plan was to kill BJP and RSS workers in Malappuram, Palakkad and Alathur. The police got information in this regard from the accused in the murder case of former RSS Propagandist Sreenivasan.

The 13th accused in the case of Srinivasan's murder, Kaja Hussain, was prepared by Sirajuddin, a reporter of the Popular Front's Kottakkall area. He was caught and the shocking information was obtained during a search conducted at his house. The list contains the names of RSS and BJP leaders from Malappuram and Alathur in Palakkad district.

Area reporters have prepared a list to hit back within 24 hours if there is an attack on the Popular Front workers anywhere. In some places, the group also has sketches of houses and photos of people. According to the police, a list of such murders has been prepared across the state.

News by: NewsPen Added on: 19-Sep-2022

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