Protest In Perumbavoor Challenges Court With Taliban Flag in response to Hijab ban

The Muslim Coordination Committee in Perumbavoor held a protest in Perumbavoor town on March 16, 2022 with a poster with the slogan "Hijab verdict does not apply to Muslims".
Some of the protesters were holding a flag similar to that of the Taliban.
This protest was conducted against High Court's ban on hijab. That the hijab was not a part of the religious faith. Karnataka high court has clearly says no to Hijab in Educational Institutions.
The hijab issue, which the political Islamists, for their own religious and political purposes, became the scourge of anti-national forces and their money, with the support of some interested parties to the media, the hijab issue, which was pierced, with the court ruling, was in a state of 'self-digged pit'.
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