Over 1,000 Pilgrims Die from Heat During 2024 Hajj Amid Safety Concerns
During the 2024 Hajj pilgrimage, over 1,000 pilgrims have tragically died due to intense heat.
Many of the deceased were part of the tens of thousands who attempt to join the Hajj through irregular channels, unable to afford the official permits.
These unauthorized pilgrims were especially vulnerable as they lacked access to the air-conditioned spaces available to the 1.8 million authorized participants.
Saudi Arabia has yet to provide specific information on fatalities but reported over 2,700 cases of "heat exhaustion" on Sunday alone.
The Hajj has a history of tragic events, the most recent being a 2015 stampede that resulted in up to 2,300 deaths during the "stoning the devil" ritual.
The current heat-related deaths highlight ongoing challenges in ensuring the safety of all pilgrims.
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