Hatun Tash arrested again at Speakers' Corner even after being Robbed by Islamist

Hatun Tash, a well-known Christian speaker, frequently opposes Islam and the Quran at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park.
Hatun, a former Muslim who became a Christian and the director of the community 'Defend Christ Critique Islam', has seen countless Muslims convert to Christianity.
Hatun Tash was previously stabbed by Muslims at Speaker's Corner and is now a robbery victim. Hatun, the victim, is dragged away and arrested by Police in front of Islamists who yell "Allah Akbar" and laugh at her.
While she was criticising Islam and Quran in Speakers Corner, it can be seen from multiple videos that an Islamist grab her book and run away with it. While other Islamists try to stop Hatun and her team mates from catching the culprit.
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