The Taliban detained an Afghan model-YouTuber for offending Islamic beliefs

Ajmal Haqiqi, an Afghan model-YouTuber, and three of his colleagues were imprisoned by the Taliban, who accused them of insulting Islam and the Quran.
According to Amnesty International, a human rights organisation, the Kabul-based social media influencer last week broadcast a video on his YouTube account. In it, he and his three coworkers reportedly exploited Quranic texts in a hilarious manner. They were observed giggling while one of his coworkers recited Quran verses in Arabic in a funny tone.
Later, on June 5, Haqiqi released another video in which he apologised for the prior one, according to the NGO. According to Amnesty International, he and three of his colleagues were detained on June 7 on allegations of "insulting Islamic sacred values" by the Taliban's General Directorate of Intelligence, and later that day a video 'confession' of Haqiqi was published in which he repented once more.
Amnesty International issued a statement on June 8 that said, in part, "The Taliban must immediately and unconditionally release the YouTubers and end their continued censorship of those who wish to freely express their ideas."
It continued, "Restrictions to the right to freedom of expression must be clearly provided by law and be strictly necessary and proportionate to a legitimate aim. International human rights law does not permit restrictions of freedom of expression simply on the grounds it has the potential to offend or insult nor for the protection of religious beliefs or the religious sensibilities of their adherents. This incident is a classic example of how the Taliban is creating a climate of fear in Afghanistan by using arbitrary arrests and coercion to force people into silence."
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