Hamas Leader Khaled Mashal Rejects Two-State Solution, Advocates for Unified Palestinian Control Over Entire Region

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During a recent interview with Kuwaiti podcaster Amar Taki, Khaled Mashal, the leader of Hamas abroad, made it clear that he does not support the two-state solution. 

Khaled Mashal stated that Palestinians are in agreement that they will not give up their rights to Palestine, spanning from the Mediterranean River to the Mediterranean Sea. 

He pointed out that the events of October 7 have reignited hope and demonstrated that this idea is not just a mere dream, but a feasible one. 

Khaled Mashal also emphasized the necessity of taking control of the Gaza Strip after the 2006 elections in order to strengthen resistance efforts, enhance weapons production, and construct tunnels without any interference from the Palestinian Authority.

News by: NewsPen Added on: 24-Jan-2024

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