Four persons, including three madrassa teachers, have been arrested for sexually assaulting minor girls in Malappuram

MALAPPURAM: Four persons, including three madrassa teachers, have been arrested in a POCSO case for sexually assaulting minors. Madrassa teachers Palapetty Pottadi Kunjahammed (64), Palakkad Manathil Kochi Hydros (50), Lapetti Thanniparan Muhammedunni (67) and Veliyancode Thaiparambil Bava (54) were arrested by the police.
The students revealed their ordeal during the counselling held at the school. The arrest was made on the basis of a complaint lodged by Childline based on the statements of three students studying in class five.
The madrassa teachers sexually assaulted the children at the madrassa and Bava at his own house. The accused who were produced before the Ponnani court were remanded.

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