WhatsApp's New Feature: Find Friends with Usernames Instead of Phone Numbers

WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new feature that will allow users to search for other users by their username instead of their phone number. Here are some key points about this feature:
- Username search: Users will be able to look for contacts using their chosen usernames, which will offer an alternative to sharing personal phone numbers. The search bar will enable users to look for names, usernames, and numbers.
- Username configuration: Users will have the option to set, change, or remove their username at any time. The username will accept alphabets, numbers, and some special characters.
- Privacy enhancement: Users will be able to connect with others without revealing their phone numbers, which will provide more control over their personal information and anonymity. This feature will also simplify the process of connecting with friends, family, or other contacts.
- Future update: The username search feature is still under development and is expected to be part of a future update for the WhatsApp app on Android devices. The feature is currently in testing for the beta version of the app.

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