Israeli captive Mia Schem reveals only reason she wasn't raped by her Hamas captor: ‘His wife was outside the room with the children’

Mia Schem, a 21-year-old tattoo artist who was kidnapped by Hamas from a music festival in Gaza, has revealed the horrors she faced during her 54 days of captivity.

She said she was tortured, interrogated, and forced to undergo a three-hour surgery. She also said she was held in a family home with Hamas militants, who she described as terrorists.

"His wife was outside the room with the children," Mia Schem said during an interview with Channel 13. "That was the only reason he didn't rape me."

She was released in a prisoner exchange deal after a video of her pleading for help went viral on social media.

News by: NewsPen Added on: 02-Jan-2024

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