Kerala Christian Apologist Sebastian Punnakal Philip going to launch his book about Islam

Kerala Christian Apologist Sebastian Punnakal Philip who do apologetic ministry in malayalam is publishing his first book about Islam named "കാഫിർ അറിഞ്ഞിരിക്കേണ്ട ഇസ്ലാം" (Islam that Kafir should know).

Sebastian Punnakal Philip, who has tens of thousands of followers on social media, tells his audience about the release of his new book.

He is working as a research nurse in Ireland, do his apologestic ministry mainly through Clubhouse, Facebook and YouTube platforms.

He debates with lots of Muslims lively in Malayalam and shows references in screen while debating in a similar way as that of Christian Prince (Christian Apologist).

Through his new book about Islam, he encourages everyone to know about Islam and its dangerous ideology behind it. The book will be useful for studying Islam.

Read: Kerala Christian Apologist Sebastian Punnakal Philip published his new book on Islam

News by: Enhance let Added on: 14-Jun-2022 Updated on: 04-Jul-2022

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