Taliban's Islamic regulations for Afghani women in schools and public places

In the middle of 2021, the Taliban, an Afghan political force, gained control of the country, established a new government with its own set of rules and regulations for the inhabitants. The plight of women during Taliban control was one of the most pressing problems for the population.

In the past, the fundamentalist organisation has been accused of abusing women's rights and depriving them basic freedoms like as speech and education. Several new measures for the country's female population have taken place under the Taliban's control.

Taliban authorities recently advised Afghani women to follow the country's "head-to-toe" covered regulation, which requires them to cover their whole body when in public, a practise that has drawn widespread criticism from foreign leaders and groups.

Take a look at some of the Islamic Taliban's restrictions for Afghani women:

  • School segregation

One of the first policies the Islamic Taliban adopted after taking power in 2021 was to separate the genders in schools and institutions. This meant that male and female pupils had separate classrooms and designated places.

  • No higher education

According to the Taliban's new policies, women would be encouraged to discontinue pursuing higher education after the current academic batch. The sixth grade will be the greatest level of education for women under this law.

  • No government jobs

All female employees in government offices were relieved at the start of the Islamic Taliban invasion, and their posts were taken over by males. It is unknown whether or whether these ladies were eventually reinstated to their respective positions.

  • No driver’s license

According to a recently imposed law, women in Afghanistan will no longer be awarded a driving licence, robbing them of the ability to drive and travel alone without a partner.

  • No trip without ‘supervision’

The Taliban has made it a requirement that all women who go out in public must be accompanied by a male "guardian" for supervision and safety. Previously, the Taliban had also asked women not to leave their homes because their army was not "trained to respect women."

  • Head-to-toe covering

The Taliban has just issued a controversial regulation requiring women to be covered from "head to toe," which means they must wear a burqa or an abaya with a niqab, with only their eyes exposed. This regulation has provoked popular uproar in the country, and the UN has criticised it.

News by: Enhance let Added on: 09-May-2022

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