In North Korea, there is yet hope for the Hermit Kingdom

North Korea is one of the most dangerous countries for Christians. It's also one of the ideal venues to proclaim the gospel since people are suffering under Supreme Leader Kim Jong-terrible un's rule, and North Koreans desire for Christ.

That is why International Christian Concern (ICC) is dedicated to the establishment of the church in North Korea. ICC collaborates with a group to transmit gospel radio broadcasts inside the hermit kingdom twice a day.

According to ICC from a source, the morning and evening radio broadcasts are having an effect: "God is on the move in North Korea, revival is underway, and radio broadcasting is critical"

Kim Jong-un was declared Persecutor of the Year for "individuals" by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in November 2021. Defectors Jinhye Jo and Kim Seong-min (through video) delivered their testimony of life in North Korea at the publication of the comprehensive, 140-page Persecutor of the Year report and announcement in Washington, D.C.

News by: Enhance let Added on: 14-Apr-2022

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