The Internet is amused by 'Bhai-Lang', a new programming language created by two Indians

A brand-new programming language is sweeping the internet. "Bhai-lang" is a toy programming language developed by two Indian engineers, Amazon's Aniket Singh and Groww's Rishabh Tripathi.

"Bhai" is an Indian word that means "brother." It's written in Typescript and blends Hindi terms like "bhai" with English phrases like "hello" and "bye."

"Bhai-lang" contains syntax, same like Java and other computer languages. However, the term 'bhai' appears in every instruction in the language.

According to the language's official website, the code's entrance point is "hi bhai" and the syntax finishes with "bye bhai." Everything typed inside these tags is legitimate, but everything outside of them is disregarded. If a programmer or coder commits a mistake, the prompt responds "Arre Bhai Bhai Bhai!!!"

Users have been responding to screenshots of the programming language on social media with amusing replies.

"The forbidden 'Brocode,'" said one Instagram user.

"Imagine #bhailang as a Styling language... "color" property be like bhai mujhe rang de: #ffd700," one Twitter user said.

The "Bhai-lang" functions in the same way as any other computer programming language, such as HTML, CSS, C++, and so on. The language also has its own GitHub website, where users can view the source code as well as a full directory of examples of how to utilise built-ins, conditionals, and loops.

Numbers and strings are similar to other languages, and the boolean values are "sahi" and "galat."

The "Bhai-lang" website also includes a playground where users may experiment with programmes written in the new language. If the code executes correctly, the programming language displays the message "Shandar Bhai" in green.

According to the language's inventors, "Bhai-lang" is the outcome of an internal joke.

News by: NewsPen Added on: 30-Mar-2022

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