Madrasa teacher arrested for molesting 13 year old boy in Kerala

Madrassa teacher arrested for sexually assaulting student The Mathilakam police arrested Jubair (36), a native of Chalingad in Kaipamangalam, Thrissur, Kerala.

A case has been registered against him under POCSO Act. The case alleges that a 13-year-old boy was subjected to unnatural sexual torture.

According to the complaint, the teacher, Zubair, sexually abused the student while he was studying in a madrasa. Though the incident took place a year ago, the child did not disclose the information out of fear. But after this, there was a major change in the student's behaviour.

Childline was informed by a School teacher who noticed the child's behavior and noticed that he was alone when the school opened. The information about the child abuse was revealed during the counseling conducted by Childline.

Mathilakam Inspector T.K. Shaiju and his team arrested the Madrasa Teacher. Cleason, Senior CPO Shihab was also part of the investigation team. The accused has been remanded by the court.

News by: Enhance let Added on: 27-Jun-2022

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